Avatar foto Door Josine Droogendijk
13 sep 0 reacties

Koningspaar dineert met Raad van State

Koning Willem-Alexander en koningin Máxima dineren vanavond met de Raad van State en daar hoort natuurlijk pracht en praal bij. Koningin Máxima draagt dan ook haar asymmetrische japon van Lanvin en juwelen met smaragd en diamant. 

Japon van Lanvin:

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor lanvin site:modekoninginmaxima.nl

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The emerald diadem was a gift from Queen Emma to her daughter, Queen Wilhelmina in 1899. The emeralds in this "parure" are said to have been brought to Holland by Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia, wife of Prince Willem V of Orange-Nassau, in the 18th century. The slightly V shaped diamond diadem base, made by Eduard Schürmann in Frankfurt, has figure eight and scroll motifs. The necklace has a very intricate design of diamond elements enterspersed with small emeralds. The pendant which can be attached in various ways has a figure eight and floral motif.The necklace was often worn with the pendant at 3 o'clock. In recent years the necklace has been worn by Queen Maxima with the pendant and the clasp, a square emerald set in diamonds, worn in front as the central element. The versatile brooch has been seen in many variations through the years. The diamond and emerald bracelet, made by Van Kempen & Begeer, is slightly altered through the years. #dutchroyaljewels #emerald #diamonds #tiara #diadem #earrings #necklace #bracelet #clasp #pendant #queen #queenmaxima #schürmann #frankfurt #historical #antique #jewels #jewelry #dutch #royal #foundation #parure

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